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Fried rice with Sassafra leaves - Popular Fast Food

Yes, you read it right, Sassafra leaves.

Sassafra leave stir-fried with rice

Contains: sassafras, soy, pork (optional), beef (optional)

បាយ​ឆា​ម្រះព្រៅ(literally fried rice sassafras leave) /cha: bai m’ras p’rov/; សាច់​គោ(Beef) /sach ko:/; សាច់​ជ្រូក(Pork) /sach j’ru:k/; អត់​យក​សាច់ (literally don’t take meat) /ɑt’ yok sach/

The dish itself is basic: you get rice, meats mostly beef and sassafras stir fried together. If you are not a fan of beef, pork is usually available for order as an alternative, though chicken is quite an uncommon mix. Then, if you are totally a vegetarian, you can enjoy this dish without meat altogether, or with scrambled egg if you would. Be cautious that when you are not in a vegetarian restaurant, you might still get other recipes made from animal products in your dish somehow.

To enjoy this dish, you can opt in for almost every restaurant and late night food vendors right around the corners-that means you can get this dish almost all around the clock.

If you would like to have it early evening, Ptas Palo (ផ្ទះផាកឡូវ) /ptas’ pak’ lov/ is a good spot (maps here). This is a mix of local style eatery with a mixture of western LED lighting. A good 10000KHR (US$2.5) dish is plentiful enough for a grown man. This eatery opens from late afternoon to late evening, and serves many other delicacies such as Char Siew Rice that we covered in previous article.
Sassafra Fried Rice with Beef, served in Paklo House

If you are kind of late at night, you can opt in for a street food stall of which most of them open till 2AM. One plate with option bowl of soup costs you from 6000KHR (US$1.5) to 10000KHR (US$2.5) depending on places you go. There are many of these vendors along the Preah Sihanouk Blvd (274) west of its Monivong Blvd (93) corner (mapshere). They speak little English. Talk or show them the local language written above so you can have this food at your disposal.

Late night food stalls maps:

Vann Vann Author

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