Kuy Teav Phnom Penh - A Celebrity in South East Asia
11:46 PM
A bowl of nutritious balance of meat and vegetable broth, found nowhere other than in its original birthplace.
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Kuy Teav Phnom Penh : Beef with egg noodle version
Contains: beef (optional), pork (optional), soy bean
គុយទាវ (lit. kuy teav) /kuy tiev/, សាច់គោ (lit. beef) /sach ko:/, សាច់ជ្រូក (lit. pork) /sach jru:k/, មីសរសៃធំ (egg noodle) /mi sar sai thom/,
Kuy Teav (noodle), a special kind of broth with plentiful herbs and vegetable, inclusive of meat, added with bean sprout, is one of the heavy breakfast choice among local Cambodians. This dish is extremely popular, of which you can find in almost every morning restaurant throughout the country as well as in Thailand, South Vietnam and Cambodian community in the western world.
Kuy Teav, which itself means both "noodle" and "noodle soup" was introduced by Chinese minority living in the kingdom somewhere around the 19th century AD. It is aromatic broth with a happy selection of herbs, spice and fat to fill your stomach until lunch. The original version comes with pork, pork belly and some intestines, and was wildly popular. In fact, it is so popular that you could order this dish in Southern Vietnam by simply asking for Kuy Teav Nam Vang (pronounce Nam Yang) which basically means Kuy Teav Phnom Penh.
If you are kind of want to try other types of noodle, you can opt for egg noodle (មីសរសៃធំ) or flat noodle (គុយទាវសរសៃធំ) instead. Also, you have an option between beef, pork, pork belly and intestines or seafood. It usually comes with separated dash of bean sprouts and a spicy thick soy sauce. Optionally, you have both "wet" (ordinary version) or "dry" version, which the latter comes with steam-bowled noodle, broth, vegetables- each in separated dish, which gives you ability to mix the ratio you like the most.
Most restaurants and eateries in the kingdom have Kuy Teav as a breakfast option, while some could extend the availability to even dinner. Preparation is fast, usually 5-10 minutes. You will get a hot bowl, so this will take you around 10-15 minutes to finish it all. If you are okay with bean sprouts, you are supposed to add the them into the bowl when the soup is still hot. Also, lime is provided or available on request should you need a twist of sourness in the bowl. The taste is full with grease as an important flavor. Some shops also serve exotic type, which include duck or even wild animal (we never recommend you to eat wild animal as it encourages illegal poaching).
Orussey Restaurant, which you can find here and here, is one of the well-known "kuy teav" restaurant in the city. It has been opened for almost four decades. They serve Kuy Teav from early morning (6AM) until late morning (10AM) of which they take a pause, until they open for service again at 3PM and continue until late night (10PM). This is one of few places serving all-around-the-clock Kuy Teav. A complete classic set costs 10 000KHR (US$ 2.5). The seafood version is a little bit pricier though. Hot tea is provided for free, but you will have to pay 1000KHR (US$0.25) for an iced tea. Staffs speak little English, and menu is written in somewhat English that could just basically make sense.
The best thing about Kuy Teav is its rich flavor and aromas, which in no doubt puts it a popular dish even among the neighboring countries. There is even a Wikipedia page that you can learn more about it.
How would you rate this bowl? Let me know in the comment.
Cambodia Kuy teav was great, i love it but you can also try VietNam Kuv Teav .